Sunday, October 3, 2010

Only Words

It became evident that ads today are dominated by images and graphics rather than copy. The frenetic nature of the world today makes it easy to guess why-if a potential consumer feel like they have to work for your ad they will ignore it. In my opinion the most successful ads are those which use language as well as the font to make a statement.
This Wonderbra ad uses the typeface to mimic the shape of the product. It assumes that the viewer knows what the product is and capitalizes on familiarity with the product and what it does.
Comparing this ad to a Victoria's Secret print ad, which would most likely feature an almost naked woman, the wonderbra ad won't offend a viewer from a younger audience.

This Imax ad utilizes their typeface to emphasize that their 'screens curve down at the bottom' by using a smaller font on the last line. It also uses a negative criticism of Imax screens and turn it into a positive by making a joke. The copy is big and bold which parallels the Imax screens.
McDonalds does very clever advertising with their copy. Recently I saw a clever billboard of theirs that read "If coffee is Joe then consider this Ioseph." While the billboard does have a small photo of a cup of coffee in the corner the copy brings the product to the next level with humor. 
In this ad for McDonalds they again use humor as a way to emphasize how great their product is. Everyone knows how painful it is to bite your tongue and they use the deliciousness of their food as a way to take the pain away and apologize for the mistake.
From these ads we see that copy must be brief, entertaining and to the point, otherwise the viewer will get bored and stop reading.

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